
Is This The Place To Which You Have Come?

I walked into someone else's apartment.

Not only that.

I walked into the service couple's apartment.

Thinking it was mine.

I live on the third level.
I came from the sixth level and went down two levels
thinking I was on the third level.

I was distracted.
A girl knew my name but I didn't know hers.
I felt awful, and still do because to this moment, I'm still unsure of what her name is.
I was thinking so hard, my math skills failed me.

Thinking I was on my floor, I went through the door and down the hall.
I went to the second door which should have been mine.

I first noticed when I saw the hardwood flooring.
The next thing I heard was a voice.
A man's voice.
What is HE doing in MY room?

I look up, not my room.

I played it off cool, like always.
The brother and sister who live there assured me it was ok.
 That I could stop by anytime I wanted too.

Which may be more often than they think.


  1. Bahaha! That's super funny! :) My brother did that last year for Thanksgiving :) He walked into a house thinking it was my Aunt's. He took his shoes off and everything. :D You just made my day!

  2. So far, this is our favorite post. Excellent writing.

  3. maybe you should make them cookies next time
