
My First Kiss

It was invigorating.
Everything a first kiss should be.

This weekend, I had the pleasure of going to Galilee.
On our trip up north the land drops a few thousand feet below sea level, so we have to stop at the monument where sea level would be.
And there he was.
I'll never forget it.
It cost money of course and I got a ride out of it too.
20 sheckels and off I was.

That camel was a beast. 20 sheckels for a ride? Bargain!
After walking around with him I got to pose with him. When dad shouts, "Let's see a kiss!" I was unsure what to think.
So I turn my head and here it was.
The camels mouth in my face.

Invigorating. Unexpected. Everything a first kiss should be, right?

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